That looks fine. The only issue with slightly untidy prints is the dovetail on the front of the z-axis that mates with the optics module. If it is rough it does not fit as well. However you don’t need the module to slide after it is fitted so it will be OK.
When you get to print, go with the version of the microscope that you wanted, the high resolution version. The web site build link to v7.0.0beta1 is now a little behind developments. Unfortunately there is not a ‘nightly build’ link for the current latest version. It is probably useful to look at the threads on motor controllers for the new versions of the microscope stand and electronics drawer, particularly if you are planning to use Sangaboard v0.3 or v0.5 which do not fit properly in the v7.0.0beta2 release of the stand.
Sangaboard v0.5 now available - General - OpenFlexure Forum
How do I connect Arduino to stepper motors and get code - Request Help - OpenFlexure Forum
A version of the documentation with recent improvements in the parts and instructions up to July is currently at This is not a stable link, it will go if we make any changes to that draft version. It has also not gone through the checks that we would do for a release so there may be unknown issues. For the high resolution version the only important changes I think are in the stand, and if you are using the 5mm LED work-around there are changes in the illumination module There are some changes in the instructions that should make them clearer.