Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsAnnouncements and news related to the Openflexure project. Only forum “staff” and and forum users with “trust level 2” or higher can create new posts here.
GeneralFor any discussions related to the OpenFlexure Project, from feedback to photos of your microscope.
ApplicationsThis category is intended as a place to post what you are doing with the OpenFlexure Microscope. There are so many people doing new and exciting things with it, so this is a place to discuss them. We are also hoping to write up a series of case studies on people using the microscope slightly more formally for the website - we hope this category will be a great place to spot where our next articles should come from.
Request HelpThis category if for when you need help with your microscope, Sangaboard, or other OpenFlexure project. You can also open an issue on GitLab. The forum is probably the best place to start if you are unsure what the problem is and just want to ask a question.
ContributionsIf you have improved or built on the OpenFlexure project and want to share your changes you can start a discussion here.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Machine LearningThere is a growing community of people interested in using the OpenFlexure Microscope in machine learning applications. This category is intended as a space for different teams to share what they are doing, ask for help, and perhaps find new collaborators.
OpenFlexureCon 2022This category is for notes, photos, and links from OpenFlexureCon22