Precrimped cables missing from the BOM

Hi all,
I just noticed that the item “Pre-crimped jumper cables” are missing from the V7 BOM. It is used on the assemble the illumination page, but is not present in the BOM nor in the list of required materials for that step. Makes me worried that there might be other required parts missing which will only become apparent when I need them during assembly.


Thank you for spotting this @MagneLauritzen . Keeping a BOM up to date is particularly difficult, so we use a build system for the instructions (GitBuilding) that keeps track of the BOM automatically to try to avoid these issues. Looking at the source, the quantity of jumpers is not defined so it never feeds through. I shall note that and correct it for the next release.

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In my experience everything else was listed in the BOM except for the power supply for the motors in the instructions for the sanga board alternative.

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For what it’s worth, I have struggled to buy suitable jumpers - the closest I’ve found recently is from Onecall, a big strip of “jumper jerky” that’s 30cm long - the wires don’t end up being the right colour, but you can tear off two-wire wide leads that have female header connectors on each end.

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Those are great. Most places only offer 200mm for “jumper jerky”. I have had to use two pieces of 200mm taped together (one socket to pin and socket to socket), which is not good for reliability.