I have just released a beta release of GitBuilding v0.13. The beta release brings a number of improvements to the GitBuilding UI that should make it easier for people to contribute to the OpenFlexure documentation.
Some new features include:
Part of the plans for v0.13 are to improve the editor to reduce the need to us external programs and especially the command line to make new projects, and to run GitBuilding. Unfortunately, to install this beta release and fire up the new gui you do still need the command line, however we are far closer to the point where we can make an application with that can be downloaded and installed.
The Beta release
If anyone has time to try the beta release, that would be super helpful.
To install run:
pip install gitbuilding[gui]==0.13.0b2
Note there was a bug in Beta1 so the above link has now been changed to Beta 2!
If you get a big error about PyQt5, this is probably caused by pip being old. Run:
pip install --upgrade pip
and then try again. Once installed you can run
To load the new GUI. If you want to run the new GUI from the browser run:
gitbuilding webapp
Hi all,
Anyone that tried the new Gui or web app will have probably had problems. I know @WilliamW had some. There was a bug that should now be fixed.
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I have got it working now, there was a local problem with my local Gitbuilding installation as well. This is a really useful addition to a tool which is vital for the instructions in the Openflexure microscopes.
On Windows it opens up the possibility of having a desktop shortcut for Gitbuilding as the folder location is selected in the GUI rather than where you launch from.
Yeah the plan is that once we have the GUI working well we can work on creating an installer that stops people needing to have python or launching from the terminal.
Currently the server only lets you access files from where the GUI was started. This will change over time, but not until we can work through some core security stuff.
Click here to read more on security stuff
You can only run from the current file for security as everything is controlled through the webapp, it is possible that anyone accessing the same port on your computer (which should be inaccessible in any sane setup for a computer) could change/view files.
I should be able to make it so that if using the GUI, then only the GUI can access the webapp. This would make it much safer for letting it access anything.
It should also be possible to beef up the security as we slowly build towards it being possible to host a documentation server, and have multiple clients connect to it. In this case it would be very important that other files on the server cannot be accessed.
So currently everything is in a mid-ground state. Not locked down enough to one application computer that I am happy to just give it fee reign to all files. Not locked down enough to one folder that I would want to run it as a server. I am probably being overly cautious.
We had a lot of progress recently with GitBuilding as there was some funding available. The funding has come to an end. Things will chug along again depending on my availability, but I will continue to look for more funding to try to keep the project moving forward.
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If anyone is following along with this I have just pushed out a 3rd beta. It includes making the editor much prettier and a bit more functional. It also includes some improvements to the image gallery styling from @WilliamW
To install run:
pip install gitbuilding[gui]==0.13.0b3
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I love it.
This means I don’t have to remember the syntax for the info boxes etc. I have not been using the live editor really up until now, partly because my installation was broken and I did not quite realise how. All of these changes add up to a really nice user experience.