White Background Full Screen Highlights OpenFlexure Software Flashing Issue

Hi everyone,

Pure white background full screen has been an helpful and suggest tool in analyzing issues with the OpenFlexure software on my Raspberry Pi. By using the Whitescreen, I was able to observe that the software briefly attempts to launch before the screen flashes and returns to the desktop.

My Raspberry Pi powers up correctly, and I can see the OpenFlexure software icon on the desktop. However, when I try to launch it, nothing happens just blank after the initial flash, and no error messages are displayed.

I checked the processes in the terminal, but I could not find anything indicating that the software is running. I’m new to Raspberry Pi, so I might be overlooking something.

I followed the instructions to flash a 64 GB SD card with the OpenFlexure Raspbian image using Raspberry Pi Imager. The process completed successfully without errors, but the issue persists.

Has anyone encountered this screen flash and unresponsive issue? any ideas?

Which version of the OpenFlexure Raspbian image have you installed? It might also help us to have a picture of your microscope.