Updating the SD card image

This is an incredibly lazy announcement from me: I am working to get a new SD image released - I think I’ve got a working image now, but it’s not yet tested. In the event that anybody else would like to test it before I get around to it, you can find it in this folder in the build server:


There are a few new features:

  • The latest v2.10.1 server is preinstalled
  • The SNES client (allows gamepad support) is part of the “lite” image now
  • There’s a pre-installed Python environment including openflexure-microscope-client and Jupyter, so it should be much easier to start programming your microscope.
  • There are a few utility packages preinstalled to make development easier

The base system is still Buster - Bullseye may happen, if I can get it to work!

If you download this and it works, or doesn’t, please post here and let me know!

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I’ve now tested it, and put the latest images on the build server:


These are now linked to from the “latest” links as well.

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Hi, @r.w.bowman I am unable to download the given files. Can you please what is the possible error?

Hi @bagginstyrone do you mean the link above this post? If so, I just checked it and the link didn’t match up with the text - something must have gone wrong when I edited the post, but it’s now fixed. Thanks for letting me know. I’ve checked and I can download the latest image (https://build.openflexure.org/raspbian-openflexure/2022-04-20-raspbian-openflexure-buster-armhf-lite.zip). Could you try again? Thanks.

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@r.w.bowman Thanks for doing the effort. I have started downloading it. Thanks again!

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