Seeed Studio XIAO Meets OFM?

Hi @B.Diederich, finally, I found a space in my calendar to share some pictures from my tests.

STL piece: I printed it using black PLA with 20% infill. I made a mistake. I used support, and it was hard to remove it, especially from the holes for bolts. I am not sure if the 3D printer is able to print the camera zone without support.

The camera (sensor) fits well, but the boards fit partially, as you see in the pictures below:

Optics: I used the standard high-resolution configuration of the OpenFlexure Microscope, but I had only a 4x objective lens this time. The sensor was tight enough that I didn’t need the lid. I used tape to hold it and avoid any movement while I was using it with the USB-C cable.

OpenFlexure Microscope: I used a v6 microscope and added a riser because of the optics. As you can see, this configuration with the ESP32 fits well in this non-Raspberry Pi version, and it may be the same for the v7.

Pictures: Here are some pictures that I took from a fern rhizome slide and how it looks on the interface.


This version looks promising, but the main downside is that the camera gets hot after streaming for several minutes. Is a heat sink or cooler a solution? How was your experience with other instruments?

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