First OFM workshop at reGOSH Mendoza!

Hi everyone,
I’m glad to announce we held our first OFM workshop at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo!
We built 4 new microscopes for the Biology Department. They are meant to use by Biology students and teachers.

I want to thank @nanocastro for his support and for supporting the workshop with his fully assembled RPI based OFM.

3 of the microscopes use a Logitech C270 webcam. I will try my best to update the assembly instructions for this version, as the ones in portal are not updated.

I leave you the link to the short presentation I prepared for this workshop (spanish only, sorry). Any feedback are very welcome.

Soon, I will share with you our experience with these new microscopes.



Very nice!
We were talking at OpenFlexureCon about putting toghether some teaching/learning material. I think what you are doing is a perfect fit so would be great to know and learn more about it

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Excellent work! I learned about the webcam version at #openflexurecon22 from @nanocastro and want to build a few for my upcoming volunteer community work in October.

Thank you Daniel,
Let me know if you need any help. Maybe we can work together on the assembly instructions for the webcam version.