Have you run an OFM workshop? Share your experience

I finished a workshop last week. It was quite straight forward thanks to existing official OpenFlexure build instructions.

  • Audience of your workshop?
    8 Gymnasium teachers (teaching age 15 - 19)
  • Workflow: which activities have you planned, which “exercises”?
    First a short intro (1 h), then bulding a microscope (max 5 h) and the remaining time looking at fresh and marine water samples.
  • Materials: which OFM versions do you use? Which samples?
    Low-cost version. Fresh and marine water samples.
  • Schedule: how long did it take?
    3-5 h for the building and ~1h for calibration and going through Openflexure connect/browser. Remaining ~1 h to look at samples.
  • How many people were facilitating?
    Two. Me + engineer from the collaborating science center.
  • Any other useful info
    Test cameras prior.