FluidNC Controlling Delta Stage

Hello Everyone,

I recently built a Delta Stage and featured it in my latest YouTube video.

I’ve really enjoyed using it under my AmScope microscope to view silicon wafers I extract from microchips.

I wanted to make the stage a bit more general purpose and lower the control cost a bit by using an ESP32 and FluidNC to control it. I’ve managed to get the Unipolar drivers to work and a Delta Kinematics module so I can drive the original geared motors without any modifications.

My question is on the delta kinematics themselves. I am trying to figure out the various lengths (f, rf, re, e) for use with other Delta controllers.

I read the paper and searched around but didn’t find anything except this post.

Regardless of whether you can help me or not, this is a great project and I’ve enjoyed seeing the precision that’s possible with low cost 3D printed devices like this!


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I ended up creating an OpenFlexure Kinematic for FluidNC.

For anyone else that finds this and wants to try out a different motor controller, feel free to download the code here.

I added Flex_A, Flex_B and Flex_H along with a Scale_X and Scale_Y value to adjust varying degrees of movement on each axis. Getting the motor steps set so moving 1mm on the Z axis resulted in different distances on X and Y, so this lets you correct for that.

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Nice work.

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