Pollen monitoring

Hi everyone! :man_scientist:t4: I may be three years late, but sharing new info with people interested in pollen monitoring is worth it.

XY stage for the flat-top version: We implement this XY stage on the microscope, and our research group uses it for microfluidics experiments: https://twitter.com/biodotpe/status/1651748398280704002 A motorized version is still pending.


100x objective for seeing pollen grains: We use an OpenFlexure microscope V6 with a 100x objective and immersion oil for a microfluidics assay. I tested this configuration with pollen, and it’s useful for analyzing the morphology. Here are some pics:

More info about the Flat-top microscope can be found here: Flat Top Microscope | IIBM UC | Chile

Documentation is still in process, so if you are interested in the files of any variant, please send me a DM or an email to pgpadilla@uc.cl