Openflexure "marketing" materials?

I am participating in an upcoming 3D printing event and will be demonstrating my Openflexure microscope. Does anyone have any good diagrams or overviews of the microscope or project that could be used for some mini posters or handouts?

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I’ve got plenty of photos / videos of people using the microscope around the world, happy to send you some links?

That would be great!

Logos can be found in this repository. Note that the SVGs require OpenSans to be installed unless they are prepended with “curves” in which case the text has been converted into Bezier curves.

The Biomedical Optics Express paper had a nice diagram or two, I think (and is CC-BY so you’re welcome to use it).

Thank you! Yes, I am using a diagram from there. That short video on the OpenFlexure home page is also super nice!



Most of our best images, videos, highlights etc are linked above

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Very helpful ! Thanks so much.