We’re trying to improve the image quality from a Delta Stage Microscope in reflection mode (based on Test out optical microscopy on some dropcast battery slurry samples · Issue #142 · AccelerationConsortium/ac-training-lab · GitHub).
Below shows some images of the setup:
Below is a sample with some battery slurry deposited onto it (dried).
We’re trying to get images of the slurry. Below you can see the aluminum foil and then trying to focus on the slurry.
Some other notes someone mentioned from the corresponding github issue:
- only images with very poor quality. The contrast of back-reflections or dust on the lenses inside the beam path was always at least as high as contrast from the actual sample. (tried with 40x and 100x objective lenses)
- maybe the illumination was not adjusted correctly? I cleaned the condensor lens which helped a bit, but adjusting it nicely is super difficult or impossible.
@kenzoat suggested swapping out the pi camera and making sure the light isn’t too bright.
Do you have any tips or suggestions for increasing the quality (or if you think this is on par with expected quality) or doing additional troubleshooting? We will probably need to do some kind of 3D depth mapping to get a more in-focus image of the slurry.