Structural relevance of tiny bridges

Hi. I accidentally broke 2 small bridges of one actuator in the main body of the delta stage. Is this a problem or are they of low functional importance? (i.e. should i reprint or not?)
The bridges in question are marked here:

Best regards,

@latuernich that looks like a nice print. The important bridges are the wider hinges towards the bottom and top of that picture. These make the flexure mechanism. The narrow ties that are further from the baseplate, marked by your red arrows, are there to stabilise the columns during printing. They almost have to break to allow the mechanism to move, although they are thin and flexible enough that they may not always break.

They are similar in purpose to the ties on the legs of the cartesian Microscope which are more accessible and so are deliberately cut in the instructions: Assembly Instructions (Step 1: First picture: “Cut the ties for the rear legs (4 total)”)

I hope your build goes well!

Thank you very much! I have moved the stage around a bit and the bridges of the other actuators are still intact, so I was worried when these broke, but I’m glad I can continue unhindered.