Dear all,
I constructed the OFM delta using an RPI4. During the process of calibrating the stage, it consistently experiences failures. I am inexperienced in construction. May I inquire if there are any calibration slides that are necessary? I really appreciate any insightful contributions from the professionals.
Which part of the calibration fails? Is it the first part where the camera white balance and lens shading is adjusted, or the second part where the motion of the stage is mapped to the camera image?
For the white balance correction you must have no slide at all, and the condenser position should be manually adjusted to get the brightest part centred on the camera image.
For the camera stage mapping you need to have any slide with some detail that thee camera will be able to detect. It needs to be roughly in focus. A blank slide with permanent marker scribbled on can be very effective.
Neither calibration is necessary for basic operation. It can be helpful to skip the calibrations and check over the imaging and motion first. You can run the calibrations again from the settings tab later.
Particularly for the Delta stage you need to set the stage coordinates correctly. The default assumes that you have a stage with one motor each for x, y and z, as on the standard Openflexure Microscope. On the Delta all three motors need to move in the right combination to get a movement of the stage in one axis. The stage type is in the settings tab.
If you have done that, what can you see with the camera? Can you focus on a slide at all? Does it move in x and y?
Some pictures of your setup and images from the camera might help a lot to see what could be wrong.