I came to build my microscope basically from being a techie looking for an interesting project to build, having a spare Raspberry Pi and camera module and a 3D printer, but no clue of microscopes or biology.
So I built it. put a drop of dirty water from the garden on, and then the wife and me spent an evening chasing interesting looking creatures. And today I think I witnessed a cell division, live:
It’s about 9 minutes (yay for timestamps in filenames!) from the second pic (where it starts to look divided) to the last.
BTW, does anyone have any example code using the API to to timelapses? The quick shell script I threw together reliably locks up the camera after about 35 images.
It’s crazy!
What is your openflexure configuration, what lens are you using?
Do you have some link to buy?
I’m from france and for me this amaizing project begin…
I just built the most simple version with the RPI camera module v1 and the lens from that module. You can find those modules very cheap on the usual chinese sites, for example this one: https://www.fasttech.com/p/5054100 for US$ 3.45. I’ve selected the camera module v1 simply because I had a spare.
And, speaking of RPI cameras, let me add a quick plug for another piece of software even though it’s offtopic: https://billw2.github.io/pikrellcam/pikrellcam.html which turns any RPI + camera into a full HD, 30 fps motion detection engine. I’m giving a bunch of RPI 1’s a new lease of life with that, to see if the mice are coming for our bird seeds or what the dormice are doing in the shed (spoiler: they’re hibernating since about mid-October )