Hi @WilliamW. I have run the camera calibration routine with another sample (cropped image below).
As these motors - like other parts - are manufactured at different places, the problems could result through different dimensions, tolerances, etc. The other image shows better details of the motor.
Parts I used:
13mm Lens: https://www.amazon.com/5pcs-Smooth-Convex-Lenses-Optical/dp/B00WFUWPCE
Motors: 28BYJ-48 Schrittmotor 5V DC +... kaufen bei BerryBase
LED: OptoSupply LED, ultrahell, 5mm,... kaufen bei BerryBase
Arduino: kompatibler Arduino Nano mit... kaufen bei BerryBase
Raspberry 4 8GB: Raspberry Pi 4 Modell B Premium Bundle RPi4 mit 8GB RAM SanDisk Micro
Camera: Raspberry Pi Camera Module 8MP v2 kaufen bei BerryBase
PLA: PLA Filament Reinrot RAL 3028 | Material4Print
O-Ring: HUG Technik Shop | Präzisions O-Ring 30x2 mm NBR 70 - online kaufen ✓ (tried viton, but they broke…)
Sangaboard firmware: Bootloader · master · Bath Open Instrumentation Group / Sangaboard · GitLab
Arduino-Code: arduino_code · master · Bath Open Instrumentation Group / Sangaboard · GitLab
I did not use a sangaboard firmware, because it is incompatible with the nano as it is for the mega. (sangaboard.build.mcu=atmega32u4
in the boards_add.txt).
However, the code can be used, but I had to patch it first.
Patch (sorry for the picture - but I don’t know how to “quote” text within this editor):