I am currently looking into the possibility to create a laser cut microscope. To be totally honest this kinda a solution looking for a problem. I am the author of Boxes.py a box generator for laser cutting and want to get into flexures a bit more. While there is some hype around flexures there are not that much usable examples out there in the Open Source space other than the OFM.
I am currently toying with double parallelogram flexures which look like a good building block for an xy or z stage. I at first played with decoupled x and y axis but I decided to go with putting the axis in series for now - which seems to the the case for many metal microscopes, too.
So I will start with a simple z axis and probably add something like the flat top microscope around it. Probably with an option for mounting a cheap xy slide holder from Aliexpress. I am also thinking about making this into a z axis for the PUMA microscope to get a purely optical variant.
After that a xy stage is the next step - then a combination of both. The idea is to not reinvent the wheel more than necessary and re-use optic modules and software from the Openflexure Microscope and may be PUMA.
Another thing that I want to look into in the future is backlash-free actuation. I am still missing a good idea how to attach the 28BYJ-48 without producing backlash. Directly driving the lead screws with NEMA steppers should work but is much more expensive and bulky.
For manually actuation I want to try a double lever system with a coarse and a file lever who’s movement gets added together. But I have no idea yet if this is even feasible. For now I am happy if the stages move at all.
Has anyone looked into laser cut stages already? Have double parallelogram flexures been considered for the OFM and if so what where the reasons to not use them? Or are the discussions on the OFM layout available online anywhere? This forum seems to be too young for that. The published papers do describe the final result very well but don’t give much information on alternative solutions.