DIN objectives adaptation for microscope?

Just printed delta microscope base, now I want to mod optic for my din objectives… Which modifiers I should look at to adjust module for delta? I found 3 places where delta is mentioned in scad file.

camera_mount_rotation = delta_stage ? -45:0; // The angle of the camera mount (the ribbon cables exits at 135* from dovetail for '0*' & 180* from dovetail for '-45*') fl_cube_rotation = delta_stage ? -60:0; // The angle of the block to hold the fl cube (0* for the fl cube exiting at 180* from the dovetail and -60* for the fl cube exiting at 120* from the dovetail)


 rotation = delta_stage ? 120 : 180; // The angle that the fl module exits from (0* is the dovetail)